Empower Lab: Application
Please use this form to express your interest in getting involved with the Empower Lab. More details about our lab and its active projects, including those with specific recruiting opportunities, can be found here: empowerlab.dartmouth.edu

If you are a prospective student who intends to apply for graduate studies at Dartmouth and aims to have Prof. Murnane as an advisor, be sure to use the official application mechanism for engineering https://engineering.dartmouth.edu/apply or computer science https://web.cs.dartmouth.edu/graduate/applying

Feel welcome to contact the lab director, Prof. Liz Murnane, with any questions or further thoughts: emurnane@dartmouth.edu 
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First name *
Last name *
Email address *
Are you affiliated with Dartmouth? *
Current degree program: *
Year in current program:
(If you are an undergrad, 1=freshman, 2=sophomore, etc.) Use the 'Other' option to elaborate on special circumstances.
Current department(s):
(i.e., list majors/minors if you are an undergrad or the department/program from which you'll receive a graduate degree)
Please list the project(s) where you'd be interested in getting involved:
(see our website for the names and details of active projects)
Please select the types of design, development, and other research activities you'd be interested in performing: *
Please briefly elaborate on why you are interested in those projects and activities and how they connect with your prior experiences and future goals. *
How many hours do you anticipate committing to our lab per week? (A rough estimate is fine) *
Do you have a preferred state date/quarter? (A rough time frame is fine) *
Which of the following engineering and computer science courses have you taken? Use the 'Other' field to list any additional courses (please use the "Dept ##: Course Name" format) you feel are relevant to what you might work on in the lab (e.g., from Comp Sci, Cog Sci, Eng, PBS, QBS, Music, Studio Art, FMS, or any other departments!) *
How did you find out about the Empower Lab? *
Please enter the URL of your website:
(enter "N/A" if you don't have a website)
Please email a copy of your resume/CV to: empowerlab@dartmouth.edu *
Thanks for your application! Anything else you would like to share with us?
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